Beginning in March, the books and periodicals of independent comics publisher Oni Press will sport a new look. Oni Press has redesigned the company logo and it will be featured on all Oni Press comics and graphic novels going forward.

The newly designed logo was created by Oni Press art director Keith A. Wood. The new logo will replace the original Oni Press logo created in 1997 by acclaimed Watchmen artist Dave Gibbon and was based on a small trinket that was given to Oni Press publisher Joe Nozemack by his brother. Oni Press is a much respected and innovative indie comics house and is the publisher of the bestselling Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O’Malley.

James Lucas Jones, Oni Press editor-in-chief, and the editor of O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim graphic novels said, “for the first time since we started publishing in 1997, we’ve done a complete overhaul of our logo. The original Oni Press logo was designed by the amazing Dave Gibbons. It’s an iconic image that has served us well for a long time. We can’t thank Dave enough for contributing such a significant piece of our company’s brand and identity.”

The new logo will make its debut on a new full color periodical series, Brian Churilla’s The Secret History of D.B. Cooper, on March 14, 2012 in comics shops. The logo will continue to appear on all Oni Press books to follow. And Oni Press director of marketing Cory Casoni said to look for the logo on new promotional material and new merchandise coming from Oni Press. Casoni said to expect more news on all fronts from Oni Press in the coming weeks and months.

“This is only the beginning,” Casoni said. “We have plenty of big announcements and new publishing initiatives on the way. We're going to make the next couple of years our biggest yet.”