University Press of Florida (UPF) acquired Florida-based Seaside Publishing, known for over two decades of publishing cook and travel books such as Terry Tomalin’s Everyday Adventures and Janet Keeler’s Cookielicious. In the deal, UPF bought 25 of Seaside’s existing titles and plans to use the Seaside imprint to create general interest titles for the gift market.
In a statement, UPF director Meredith Morris-Babb said, “As a system-wide press, we feel it is our duty to address the needs of not only the academic community and the universities with which we are affiliated, but the citizens of Florida and visitors to the state. It’s important to get them the kinds of books they want to read, and the acquisition of Seaside Publishing underscores our commitment to this goal.”
Seaside publisher and founder, Joyce LaFray, will stay on as an author under the Seaside imprint with her Famous Florida! cookbook series.