Perfect Bound Technologies has acquired PubMatch, the global rights and licensing marketplace founded by Jon Malinowski, CEO of the Combined Book Exhibit. The purchase by Perfect Bound, which launched an online printing marketplace last year, reflects founder Keith Riegert’s goal of providing a suite of services to independent publishers that will help them streamline their services while boosting revenue. As a result of the deal, Malinowski has joined the board of directors at Perfect Bound.

Malinowski launched PubMatch in 2009 in order to facilitate the buying and selling of publishing rights by connecting publishers, agents, authors, and rights representatives across the globe online. Its integration into Perfect Bound’s platform—which now includes title management, sales and inventory tracking, royalty management, and global distribution provided by Simon & Schuster—is expected to be completed by this year’s fourth quarter.

“Since founding PubMatch, our mission has been to simplify and globalize the process of rights transactions, making it accessible to publishers and agents across the world,” Malinowski said in a statement. “Joining forces with Perfect Bound not only aligns with this vision but elevates it.” Chris Yeung, president and CTO of Perfect Bound, added that the acquisition of PubMatch “aligns perfectly with our mission to support publishers in reaching global audiences and maximizing their revenue potential.”