Dallas-based Deep Vellum Publishing has acquired Fum d'Estampa Press, the British small press focused on publishing literature in translation, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Founded in 2020 by translator Douglas Suttle, Fum d'Estampa has published 30 titles from Catalan, Spanish, French and Norwegian. Recent titles include the novel Chrysalis, Pastoral in B Minor by Susanna Rafart, translated by Megan Berkobien and María Cristina Hall; Summa Katolika by Ventura Ametller, translated from Catalan by Douglas Suttle; and Through the Forest by Laura Alcoba, translated from French by Martin Munro.

"I am immensely proud and delighted to be bringing Fum d'Estampa Press under the Deep Vellum / Dalkey Archive umbrella," Suttle said. "The possibility to work with Will Evans and his fantastic team is something which I believe is not only perfect for FdE, but it promises an extremely exciting future for our books, authors and translators."

Deep Vellum, established in 2013 as a literary arts nonprofit and publishing house, currently operates five imprints including Dalkey Archive Press and A Strange Object. The publisher has released works from authors in more than 100 countries, translated from over 80 languages.

"We're over the moon to welcome Fum d'Estampa's extraordinary catalog into the Deep Vellum family," Evans said. "A perfect alignment of missions to champion global voices.

Once the publisher's titles are integrated into Deep Vellum's catalog, they will be available through Consortium.