Baker & Taylor has announced that collectionHQ, the company's widely used tool to help public librarians manage their collections, will expand into the academic market with the launch of a new product: cHQacademic.

In a release, the company said cHQacademic will “harness the same technology” used by public librarians “to help academic library professionals make informed, efficient decisions about their collections and enhance the student experience.”

The launch comes after an “early adopter” program with six U.S. academic libraries, proved successful.

“Since welcoming our first public library customers in 2008, our technology has continued to evolve,” said Amandeep Kochar, president and CEO of Baker & Taylor, collectionHQ’s parent company, in a release. Kochar added that the rollout of cHQacademic represents “a significant milestone” in the company’s development. “Academic libraries face many challenges when it comes to integrating collection management into regular workflows. cHQacademic will simplify these processes so that library professionals can maximize resources and deliver a high-performing, inclusive collection that encourages student success.”

The new product will officially launch at a special cHQacademic event just before the opening session of the American Libraries Association Annual Conference in San Diego, which begins June 27.