This morning, The View hosted judge Larry Seidlin, whose The Killing of Anna Nicole Smith (Transit Publishing, 978-1926745336, $25) is just out this week.

On Today, branding and design expert Peter Arnell suggested Shift: How to Reinvent Your Business, Your Career, and Your Personal Brand (Broadway Business, 978-0385526272, $23).

On NPR’s Morning Edition, Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown explained Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (HarperBusiness, 978-0061964398, $25.99). PW thought “The breadth of the material is better suited for a lengthy article than a full business book, and the effort to stretch it into a longer work diminishes the meaningful research.”

Authors on today’s Leonard Lopate Show:

Historian Robert Perkinson, author of Texas Tough: The Rise of America's Prison Empire (Metropolitan Books, 978-0805080698, $35).

David Means discussed The Spot: Stories (Faber & Faber, 978-0865479128, $23) a collection of 13 tales of wanderlust and transgression. PW’s starred review declared “There's not an off note to be found in Means's prose, and he proves to be remarkably adept at locating the sublime in the unseemly.”

This evening, The Colbert Report interviews Michael Specter, author of Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives (Penguin, 978-1594202308, $27.95). PW wrote “His writing is engaging and his sources are credible, making this a significant addition to public discourse on the importance of discriminating between credible science and snake oil.”

Tonight, Tavis Smiley talks with geneticist, anthropologist, and National Geographic Society explorer-in-residence Spencer Wells, author of Pandora's Seed: The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization (Random House, 978-1400062157, $26; Tantor unabridged CD, $34.99), which PW deemed a “diffuse meditation on progress and its discontents.”

Due to the nature of live programming, scheduling is subject to change.

Booksellers can order these titles through Ingram at ipage.

Authors on the Air is compiled by Diane Patrick. To be included in this compilation, email author appearance information to (at least TWO days in advance, please).