This morning on Today, Nigella Lawson served up Nigella Fresh: Delicious Flavors on Your Plate All Year Round (Hyperion, 978-1401310424, $19.99).

Fox and Friends hosted Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus, authors of Higher Education? How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids--and What We Can Do About It (Times Books, 978-0805087345, $26).

On The Leonard Lopate Show: Amitava Kumar, whose A Foreigner Carrying in the Crook of His Arm a Tiny Bomb (Duke Univ. Press, 978-0822345787, $21.95) is recently out in paperback. From PW’s starred review: “An arresting and heartrending work of public protest and valuable social analysis, this work contributes forcefully to a subtle, human-scaled accounting of 21st-century geopolitics.”

This evening, The Daily Show talks to Bruce Henderson, whose book is Hero Found: The Greatest POW Escape of the Vietnam War (Harper, 978-0061571367, $27.99; Tantor unabridged CD, $34.99). PW declared “This often riveting account sheds new light on an oft-told true story.”

Moody Radio’s In the Market with Janet Parshall interviewed James Garlow, author of Encountering Heaven and the Afterlife: True Stories From People Who Have Glimpsed the World Beyond (Bethany House, 978-0764208119, $14.99; Oasis Audio unabridged CD, $27.99), which is just out this week.

Due to the nature of live programming, scheduling is subject to change.

Booksellers can order these titles through Ingram at ipage.

Authors on the Air is compiled by Diane Patrick. To be included in this compilation, email author appearance information to (at least TWO days in advance, please).