Authors on today’s Leonard Lopate Show: Influential novelist David Mitchell discussed his latest, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet (Random House, 978-1400065455, $26). PW’s starred review called it a “majestic historical romance set in turn-of-the-19th-century Japan. It's certainly no Cloud Atlas, but it is a dense and satisfying historical with literary brawn and stylistic panache.”

Historian James McWilliams served up Just Food: Where Locavores Get It Wrong and How We Can Truly Eat Responsibly (Back Bay Books, 978-0316033756, $14.99). PW’s review had this to say: “McWilliams's perspective acts as a welcome foil to folksy, romanticized notions of the food revolution, using sound rhetoric and research to synthesize an examination fit for anyone who takes seriously the debate over a sustainable food system.”

Both NPR’s Morning Edition and The Bob Edwards Show talked with Andre Agassi, still promoting the paperback edition of Open: An Autobiography (Vintage, 978-0307388407, $15.95; RH Audio abridged CD, $32).

Due to the nature of live programming, scheduling is subject to change.

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