Make-up artist Bobbi Brown is on The Today Show today to chat up her new book, Bobbi Brown Beauty Rules: Fabulous Looks, Beauty Essentials, and Life Lessons for Loving Your Teens and Twenties, which Chronicle Books is publishing October 1 (ISBN 978-0811874687). Brown demonstrates techniques from the book, which emphasize natural beauty.

The Late Show with David Letterman talks to James Franco tonight. Yes, Franco has a new movie out, but he also has a collection of short stories coming from Scribner in October, Palo Alto: Stories (ISBN 978-1439163146).

The Leonard Lopate Show features Alan Khazei, author of Big Citizenship: How Pragmatic Idealism Can Bring Out the Best in America (Public Affairs, ISBN 978-1586487867).

Due to the nature of live programming, scheduling is subject to change.

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