Barnes & Noble is out of stock on the Nook, a note on its Web site said Friday. The company said that it expects to ship the e-reader the week of January 4 for customers who now pre-order the device. "While we increased production based on the high consumer interest, we've sold out of our initial Nook allotment available for delivery before the holidays," the bookseller said in a statement. Nook gift certificates are available for customers who pre-order the Nook and will be sent before Christmas.

The update from B&N came a day after Sony announced a delay in shipping its latest e-reader, the Daily Edition, saying that shipments couldn’t be guaranteed in time for the holidays. Amazon, meanwhile, said on its site that the Kindle remains in stock. Amazon had run into out-of-stock situations when it launched the Kindle last year. Amazon, which usually does little advertising, is running television ads for the Kindle, while TV ads in the New York area for Best Buy tout the Sony Reader.