Chelsea Green Publishing is partnering with Kimbell Sherman Ellis, LLP (KSE), a strategic communications firm with offices in Montpelier, Vt. (where Chelsea Green is located), Cambridge, Mass., and Washington, DC. President and publisher Margo Baldwin said the alliance is meant to “redesign” the way books are publicized and sold in the digital age, especially in regards to Chelsea Green’s roster of authors who are able to speak to current political issues.

Working with the staff at Chelsea Green, KSE, which managed campaign communications for the successful legislative same-sex marriage campaign in Vermont last year, will design communications plans for Chelsea Green books, pulling from grassroots politics, marketing and public relations backgrounds. “KSE has always looked for new and innovative ways to get the job done. We’re really excited about this partnership because it allows us to be on the forefront of a world that is changing daily,” said KSE Partner Kevin Ellis. “We want to take what we do best and apply it to publishing.”

“With the death of traditional book reviews and the simultaneous expansion of a sense of community in different arenas, we aim to provide more than just books. Our authors are experts in their field and sought after commentators" said Baldwin. "We increasingly work with authors to promote their content on a variety of platforms and that includes the web, blogs and video. KSE also brings us campaign tools that help build communities around book projects."

“As new media grows, it is critical that we develop author-specific campaigns within a digital strategy that evolves with the changing landscape. We intend to create a new model of informing people about our books and authors and we intend to use the latest digital tools to do it,” said Baldwin.