Former president George W. Bush's memoir, Decision Points, has had the inadvertent effect of boosting a book critical of the 43rd president: investigative journalist Russ Baker's Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years, which Bloomsbury first published in hardcover in 2008. The book had been chugging along nicely since coming out in paperback in November 2009, but has recently surged in the wake of the massive publicity campaign for Decision Points.

Publicity director Peter Miller said Bloomsbury had done a few reprints on the paperback of Family of Secrets prior to Decisions Points' release, and that by October of this year it had 20,000 copies in print. But in the past two weeks, Bloomsbury has seen demand for Family of Secrets "really really spike," said Miller, prompting the house to print another 15,000 copies of the paperback, bringing the total in print to 35,000. Bloomsbury is now in its seventh printing overall, three of them since Decision Points pubbed. The house has also been successful in getting B&N to repromote the book, which the retailer rarely does for backlist titles.