Inner Traditions has enjoyed solid sales increases in its ancient mystery titles for a few years and it thinks it has another hit in the genre with its just-released Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt. With a first printing of 10,000, Black Genesis sold 1,200 copies through Amazon in its first three weeks on sale and media appearances by co-author Robert Bauval, including a stop on the Coast to Coast with George Noory radio show is keeping interest up, said Inner Traditions director or sales and marketing John Hays. Bauval is now in Egypt with co-author Thomas Brophy and will return for a late summer, or early fall, tour. Works on ancient mysteries tend to be strong e-book sellers and that has been the case with Black Genesis, which Inner released in e-book format two weeks before the trade paperback edition.

Lots of Web activity on the subject as well as the long-running History Channel series Ancient Aliens has helped drive interest, Hays said. Earlier published titles that continue to sell well include Atlantis and 2012, which has shipped 12,000 copies since February 2010 and Lost Knowledge of the Ancients shipped over 9 000 copies since August 2010 and has under a 4% return rate. The company’s top seller in the field is There Were Giants Upon the Earth by the late Zecharia Sitchin who has shipped 30,000 copies over the last year.