Patrick Hughes is on the road quite a bit for his job, hearing various professionals discuss the latest theories about the science of addiction. Hughes, the sales and marketing manager at the Las Vegas-based Central Recovery Press, which specializes in books about addiction (and recovery), thought there was a new business model in bringing some of what he hears on the road to readers, so he launched a new e-book only line called CRP Editions.

The new line, which released its first title in late July, delivers digital versions of speeches from professionals in the addiction field to all available e-readers. The first title, Legacy of Shame and the Recovery Process, is a slightly edited version of a talk Dr. Claudia Black gave in March at the U.S. Journal Training Conference.

Hughes said he plans on publishing three shorts every quarter, and 12 shorts per year. Each title will average about 20,000 words and be priced between $0.99 and $3.99, with $1.99 being the reigning price point. Hughes estimated that from the licensing period--CRP is working with the authors of the speeches to license the digital rights--through editing will take about 90 days.

Although it is too early to report on any sales figures--the next two CRP titles should be available by the end of September--Hughes expects the line to be particularly popular in the library market where readers can access the short texts by topic.