For PW Show Daily—a daily newspaper distributed at BookExpo America—please send information on your lead authors who will be at BEA to promote their books, particularly those who will be on panels, at breakfasts, luncheons, stages, and press conferences as well as autographings. We would like information on special anniversaries and interesting booth events, as well as announcements of new products and sales programs being launched at BookExpo. Also, tell us about special offers, giveaways, information on sidelines, international events and new technology. Please note that this coverage is for all adult and children's books and product, including e-books, audio, sidelines, etc. While we can accommodate late-breaking news and on-site photo and text coverage through Wednesday afternoon, June 6, the general deadline for Show Daily submissions is April 23. Do continue to send advance information throughout April and May; the earlier, the better. Please send all adult informationto; packages and printed submissions to Daisy Maryles, 1620 Avenue I, Apt. 317, Brooklyn, NY 11230. All information about children’s and YA books, authors, and events should go to Diane Roback; send email submissions to and send any packages or printed submissions to Diane Roback, Publishers Weekly, 71 W. 23rd St., Suite 1608, New York, NY 10010. Advertising inquiries should go to Cevin Bryerman at