A major publisher moves to kill DRM (Digital Rights Management). It's more good news for e-book consumers, but in corners of the publishing industry, fears persist. Will holding on save the business? -- or sink it?

"Tor Books, the venerable sci-fi imprint of Macmillan has announced they would no longer use Digital Rights Management locks on their e-books," PW's Andrew Albanese tells CCC's Chris Kenneally. "This is pretty big news, because this could be the first domino to fall in the eventual elimination of DRM for e-books published by the big houses."

Among her review of PW's upcoming reviews, reviews editor Rose Fox takes note of Jack 1939 -- the tale of FDR hiring Harvard student Jack Kennedy to be his personal spy. "JFK seeks to stop a courier bringing German money to America," she explains. "It's all part of Hitler's plant to defeat Roosevelt in the 1940 election."

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