Yale University Press has unveiled a new collection called The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, a 10-volume series that brings together over 3,000 years of Jewish artifacts, texts, and other art forms. James E. Young, a professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst oversaw the project as editor-in-chief, while YUP collaborated with the Posen Foundation, an organization dedicated to promoting the study of Jewish culture and history.

Each volume in the collection will focus on a historical era, with the first volume, The Second Millennium B.C.E.–333 B.C.E., edited by Jeffrey H. Tigay, set to publish in the fall. The installments are all edited by a different scholar and YUP is looking to draw readers outside of academia with the books. Executive editor of the series, Joyce Rappaport, said: "Each stand-alone volume contains an introduction to its era, and will appeal to a wide-ranging audience—both scholarly and general—and cover the gamut of life experiences, from humor to issues of utmost gravity."