The party that is BookExpo America prepares to welcome guests to New York City and even the growing donnybrook that is the Dept. of Justice price-fixing case against several major publishers can’t spoil the fun.

“In separate filings this week, Penguin and Macmillan rejected charges that they colluded with other publishers to artificially inflate the prices of e-books,” PW’s Andrew Albanese tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally. “The publishers vigorously denied any wrongdoing in connection with the 2010 switch to the agency model and the launch of Apple’s iPad and iBookstore.”

Alongside word of PW’s Summer Romance focus issue, Rose Fox takes note of Bill and Hillary: The Politics of the Personal by Duke University’s William. PW’s reviewer calls it , “a superior portrait of how the dynamic between Bill and Hillary Clinton affected their achievements in public life... A sympathetic if often regretful account of a stormy, occasionally self-destructive political partnership.”

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