The HarperCollins union has filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board against the publisher after HC laid off Children's Books associate editor and union head Stephanie Guerdan last week. In a statement released yesterday, the union alleged that Guerdan was "wrongfully terminated" in a retaliatory measure against her role as the union's unit chair.

“The company is continuing to spend their resources on union-busting, going so far as to fire our Unit Chair,” said Local 2110 UAW president Olga Brudastova. “Stephanie has had an impeccable career at HarperCollins spanning over six years. They were outspoken about their support for the Union and have been very involved in every action the Union has taken, including serving as a shop steward, being part of the bargaining committee, and most recently acting as Unit Chair. Members of our Union are outraged and will not allow the company to succeed in these scare tactics.”

The HC Union also pointed out that Guerdan's termination came on the eve of a one-day strike organized by the union last year on July 20, which was then followed by a longer strike that spanned three months.

While saying HC doesn't comment on personnel matters. A spokesperson for the publisher denied that it would lay off someone because they were a union member. "HarperCollins has had a union for 80 years," the spokesperson said. "We have a long history of collaboration and fair negotiations. Any suggestion that someone would be terminated for their union affiliation is patently false."

The HC union represents nearly 250 employees across editorial, marketing, design, publicity, art, and other HC departments.