Rodale Books has signed on with NetGalley to digitally deliver many of its biggest fall books to reviewers, booksellers, journalists, librarians and bloggers. Rodale will use NetGalley to upload a book’s content as well as a variety of marketing materials, including trailers and audio files. Rodale hopes the digital delivery system will broaden the reach of the people who receive its galleys, both in traditional and new media.
Among the books to be included in NetGalley are 100 Heartbeats, The Whole Green Catalog, The Kind Diet and Cornflakes with John Lennon. Rodale also noted that using NetGalley will allow illustrated books to be viewed in their entirety rather than rely only on blads and samples.
Launched in 2007, NetGalley was taken over by a joint venture in December led by Firebrand Technologies.