Mango Publishing Group has formed a new imprint, Books That Save Lives, which will be headed by Mango publisher Brenda Knight.

The imprint’s first title, Reasons to Live: A Guide to Practices that Support Healing Beyond Suicidal Thoughts and Emotional Overwhelm by Juliana Jane Bruno, is set for release on September 1, the day that marks the beginning of Suicide Prevention Month. Reasons to Live offers 12 reasons to persevere through hard times and includes a foreword by psychologist John Duffy. The second book in the imprint, Eric Maisel’s Choose Your Life Purposes, will be released later this fall.

According to a release, the idea for the imprint came during a sales conference with Mango distributor Publishers Group West. During her presentation, Knight mentioned several Mango titles that she said had literally saved lives, prompting PWG VP of sales Elise Cannon to suggest that Mango build a catalog of such books.

Books That Save Lives will encompass both previously published and new titles. For new books, the imprint's goal, Knight told PW, is to release six new titles annually, which Knight acknowledged may be a tough target to hit: "The books have a high bar, as they must genuinely be those that include live-saving information, advice, and support." Previously existing works to be rereleased under the imprint's banner will include new content and resource guides to address the specific needs of groups such as first responders and people suffering from depression, Knight said.

In addition to publishing numerous titles aimed at helping readers cope with different traumas, Knight is the author of Badass Affirmations, which has sold over 350,000 copies