Sausalito, Calif., independent press PoliPoint Press has had a good week, going back to press on a book that lambasts the extreme right wing, and putting its first six titles into Apple’s iBookstore. The new book, Over the Cliff: How Obama’s Election Drove the American Right Insane, had a first printing of 10,000 copies and has gone back to press two week after its release. In addition to the usual promotional channels, PoliPoint spokesperson Darcy Cohan said “the lion’s share of publicity has been online. We've run countless blog ads, as well as Facebook and Google ads. Plus there's been coverage on AlterNet, Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars, Political Bookworm on the Washington Post and The Left Coaster.” The book, by John Amato, founder of Crooks and Liars, and journalist David Neiwert, looks at how right-wing politicians and media figures are stirring up public opinion by what the authors said is repeating false information and spinning daily events in “hyperbolic fashion.”

Over the Cliff is one of the six books now being sold in the iBookstore, Cohan said, and PoliPoint is using the agency model to price its titles in the store.