In Monday’s issue of the magazine, there’s a story on two small presses with surprise NBA nominations; a piece on London-based Nicholas Brealey Publishing, which is finding its U.S. groove; and a recap of Toronto’s International Festival of Authors. We talk to publishers to get their impressions of Barnes & Noble’s new Nookcolor Reader Tablet, and take a look at how e-book sales of some current hit titles compare to their print sales. A feature on author and Wired cofounder Kevin Kelly looks at what technology wants from the book business; and another feature visits New York City’s Union Square Cafe, a favorite lunch spot for publishers, on the occasion of the restaurant’s 25th birthday. There is a profile Siddhartha Mukherjee, author of The Emperor of Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, and the Soapbox wonders if Amazon has figured out how to make money on literature in translation.