In Monday’s issue of the magazine, we lead off with a look at the acceleration in ownership of digital reading devices as well as how the market for audiobooks has, and hasn't, changed. A look at some international bestsellers finds Ken Follet a hit everywhere. A post-Thanksgiving feature focuses on diet books, with a Why I Write column by Oprah’s fitness guru, Bob Greene; and a feature on today’s YA scene looks at new players, innovative directions, and fresh voices in the genre. There is a profile of Anand Giridharadas, author of India Calling; and a Q&A with journalist Seth Mnookin, author of The Panic Virus. On the Soapbox page, Tom Payne writes about adapting his book, Fame: What the Classics Tell Us About the Cult of Celebrity, for the U.S. market. The Retailing section gives an overview of two prominent Russian bookstores.