Retailers were honored for excellence in various areas at a CBA members luncheon Monday. Top honors went to Jim and Lorraine Valk of Banner Books Parable Christian Store of St. Joseph in St. Joseph, Mich. The Valks were cited for, among other things, marketing efforts that included taking products to sell at the local county youth fair and using input from Facebook friends. Other retailers who were recognized include:

Dwayne and Lisa Phillips, owners of Dalton's Christian Bookstore in Franklin, N.C., for excellence in innovation.

Paul and Sue Kuntz, managers of Arrowhead Parable Christian Store in Johnson City, N.Y., for community outreach and ministry.

Patricia Taylor, owner of Cornerstone Christian Supply in Cheyenne, Wyo., for merchandising.

Steve and Marie Prickett, owners of Logos of Northern Kentucky in Alexandria, Ky., for customer experience.