Evangelical Christian publisher Thomas Nelson has developed two social media tools to help independent Christian retailers sell its products. Hot Off the Press is an app supplied by the publisher for download by local retail accounts. The app will supply updates on breaking news in the marketplace that retailers need to know to effectively promote and sell Thomas Nelson titles. It will also send notices of upcoming Nelson author appearances.

The publisher’s independent Christian retail sales division has also created two social media sites for retailers: one on Facebook at TNIndies and on Twitter at TNIndies . Retailers can interact with their peers at the sites. The division hosted two webinars and trained more than 125 independent retailers on how to get started using social media. A Thomas Nelson spokesman said the initiative was launched November 18, with a follow-up webinar December 9.

“In these fast changing times at retail, we all need to make sure we are adapting to meeting our customer’s needs,” said Russ Schwartz, director of sales for Thomas Nelson Independent Christian Retail, in a statement announcing the program.