At the International Christian Retail Show (July 10-13), several indicators attested to the robustness of Christian fiction. Publishers were pleased by a recent Bowker market study (which PW reported on June 20) showing Christian fiction the third most popular genre in sales of e-books, with a 16 percent share, which surpasses both general trade romance and mysteries. Bowker representative David Campbell also said at ICRS that the same survey of 40,000 book-buying consumers showed the religion category was 10 percent of the book market, measured in sales dollars.

The usual long line waited for the autograph of Christian fiction queen Karen Kingsbury, who signed at Zondervan’s booth, chatting with fans and posing for photos. Kingsbury announced that week that fans will be able to vote on Facebook for which suitor Bailey Flanigan should marry in Loving (Mar. 2012), the concluding volume of the Bailey Flanigan series.

Moody announced a new fiction imprint, River North. Acquisitions editor Deb Keiser said Moody’s fiction would be “redemptive.” The line will launch with a holiday-themed novella, A Marriage Carol by bestselling author Gary Chapman and Chris Fabry (Sept.) It will include a four-book series on the Civil War by Jocelyn Green, tied to the war’s sesquicentennial, and biblical fiction from Tessa Afshar.

On Monday night at the show the Christy Awards for excellence in Christian fiction were presented in nine categories, with Baker Publishing Group imprints Bethany House and Revell taking a total of four; Tyndale winning two; and David C. Cook, Marcher Lord, and Zondervan each earning one. See a complete list of winners and titles. The American Christian Fiction Writers association announced finalists in its Carol awards, which will be awarded September 24 at ACFW’s annual conference in St. Louis.