FaithWords has signed a deal with Dr. James Dobson for a fiction trilogy (to be coauthored with Kurt Bruner). Dobson (Dare to Discipline, Love Must Be Tough) is the founder and chairman emeritus of Focus on the Family.

This will be Dobson’s first foray into fiction, and the novels will treat some of the same themes as his nonfiction titles, but in a dystopian future world. The first book, Fatherless, is slated for January 2013; the other two, Childless and Godless, are planned for fall 2013 and summer 2014.

Asked why he is venturing into fiction, Dobson told RBL in an e-mail: “For the past 42 years, I've addressed issues related to the institution of the family through various avenues of communication….written language, radio, television, the internet, video messaging, and live presentations. Each has required unique skills and techniques. Now, for the first time, I am turning my attention to the creation of fiction….It is the logical next step in my effort to support meaningful family life in all its dimensions."

In 2009 Dobson resigned as chairman of Focus on the Family and launched Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produces his new radio program, Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson, which is syndicated on 800 stations worldwide. His more than 30 books have sold over 40 million copies.

Known not only as a bestselling author of books on parenting, relationships, and family values, Dobson has also been a force on the Christian Right, using his popular radio programs as platforms to rally support for conservative politicians and positions on social issues.

Coauthor Kurt Bruner (It Starts at Home, The Twilight Phenomenon) is a pastor at Lake Pointe Church near Dallas, Texas, and teaches at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author of more than a dozen books; the series will also be his debut as a novelist. Bruner was v-p of media at Focus on the Family for 25 years. Joey Paul, executive editor of Hachette division FaithWords, acquired the books.