Bonhoeffer Ethicist to Broadleaf

Christian ethicist and unagented author Reggie L. Williams (Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus) has sold world rights to The Bonhoeffer Conundrum: Lessons in Resisting Tyranny from a Courageous and Complicated Dissident to Valerie Weaver-Zercher at Broadleaf Books. In the book, Williams examines how the famous theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident, at once opposed the regime of his time yet failed to separate himself entirely from its logic. Williams also teaches readers about contemporary fascism and offers ways for people of faith to act faithfully in the midst of its rise. Publication is planned for 2026.

Brazos Title Links God, Motherhood

Brazos Press editorial director Katelyn Beaty has taken world rights to the tentatively titled Love Like a Mother by Elizabeth Berget, who is unagented. Berget—whose work has been featured in Momma Theologians, Mothering Spirit, a forthcoming Revell devotional, and her Substack, Back of the Flock—writes for moms who are overwhelmed by the demands of early parenting and ties the God of the Bible to mothers, "all of whom gestate, birth, nourish, comfort, protect and more." A summer 2026 release in planned.

Rowman & Littlefield takes Barash's 'Myth'

Rowman & Littlefield senior executive editor Richard Brown has taken world rights to The Myth of the Soul by David Barash, professor of psychology emeritus and evolutionary biologist at the University of Washington. The publisher said the book is a "fascinating and provocative story" of a bedrock of religious faith and culture: the soul. Barash, who is unagented, explores the "nature and history of the soul: what it means, why people believe in it, scriptural allusions, how conceptions of the soul differ among religious traditions, and, given the tectonic shifts in the religious landscape, the prospect of a future without it." An October 2025 publication is planned.

NavPress Takes Parent Guidebook to Sexuality

NavPress senior editor Caitlyn Carlson has acquired world rights to Spiritual Sexuality: Helping Our Kids Form a Shame-Free, Uniquely Christian Sexual Ethic by Dr. Kelly Edmiston. Keely Boeving of WordServe Literary brokered the deal. Edmiston, lead pastor at the Vineyard Church in Stafford, Texas, draws on original research and interviews, years of pastoral care, and a scriptural foundation to offer parents a guidebook on how to talk with kids about sex and encourage a lifelong integration between spirituality and sexuality. The book is slated for 2026.