The Meaning of Singleness (IVP Academic) by Danielle Treweek has been named the 2024 Australian Christian Book of the Year.

Treweek is the founding director of the Single Minded Ministry and an adjunct teacher at Moore Theological College, Sydney. She also serves as both the Diocesan Research Officer and a member of the Archbishop’s Doctrine Commission within the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Australia.

“Taken seriously, this book will change the way churches operate, preachers preach, Christian organizations act, friends befriend, and crucially, how we love and are loved,” the judges for the award commented, in a release.

The Meaning of Singleness: Retrieving an Eschatological Vision for the Contemporary Church offers biblical, historical, cultural, and theological reflections to retrieve a theology of singleness for the church today.

“One of my hopes is that those who read The Meaning of Singleness might be better equipped to love, respect, and value the single members of their church communities," Treweek said. "And, of course, I hope it will encourage unmarried Christians, whether they be never-married, divorced, or widowed, to delight more and more in the intrinsic goodness of their singleness. But I also pray that those who read this book might better understand the vitally important and God-glorifying role singles have to play in the church’s understanding of her own unique identity."

The Australian Christian Book of the Year Award was established in 1981 to recognize and encourage excellence in Australian Christian writing. It is given annually to an original book written by an Australian citizen.