Rebecca Fitting, co-owner of Brooklyn's Greenlight Bookstore, cues us in to the books she (and her customers) are looking forward to this season.

What books are you personally excited about?

Lily Tuck's new book, I Married You for Happiness, is my favorite novel of the fall so far. And my favorite nonfiction book (which actually just came out this week) is Rin Tin Tin by Susan Orlean. From a bookseller's perspective, it's just the perfect fourth-quarter book: it's got a rags-to-riches story about American culture, Hollywood, dogs—and it's by a New Yorker writer and superaccessible. It appeals to men and women. You could give it to almost anybody, because it's got something in there for everybody. It should do very well through the fall. As for books that our customers have come to us about, we've gotten reserves for Jeffrey Eugenides's The Marriage Plot, Haruki Murakami's IQ84, The Prague Cemetery by Umberto Eco, and Paulo Coelho's The Aleph.

Lots of buzzy books. How do you plan to spotlight them in the store?

We have an event with Eugenides the day after The Marriage Plot goes on sale. Plus for the last two falls, we've sent out an e-newsletter with our personal recommendations, and we've gotten a really nice response from those. We also started sending out a periodic e-mail when signed copies are available in the store, and again, our customers seem to appreciate it. And we're always relying on Twitter, Facebook, talking books up, and hand-selling.

We're in the middle of hammering out our best books of the year list. How much impact do such lists—or award winners, for that matter (the Man Booker is about to be announced)have on sales?

It's interesting: as a sales rep, I'd see the impact of the New York Times top 10 list on the publishers' side and now I see it on the retailers' side, too. The New York Times best books list is, for us, a very big thing. It definitely helps sales for all the titles on the list. You see customers who base their Christmas or Hanukkah presents on this list. As for the Booker—it's traditionally one of the better-selling awards for booksellers. We're still selling The Finkler Question, which won last year.

Greenlight Bookstore is located at 686 Fulton Street, Brooklyn. Get staff recommendations and news about upcoming readings at