Above the Treeline, the Ann Arbor company that’s been providing business intelligence tools to the industry for more than eight years, announced Wednesday that they have partnered with eight of the nine regional bookseller associations to provide digital catalogs at this fall’s trade shows this month and next. The digital catalog program is similar to ATL’s Books@BEA initiative this past spring, which featuring frontlist titles displayed at the show by 300 exhibitors. The online catalogs will provide attendees at each participating trade show easy access to information about frontlist featured at that show; the catalogs will include browsing, sharing, tagging, and ordering functions.

Each of the catalogs will have a dedicated domain name and section within Edelweiss, ATL’s ever-expanding interactive, Web-based digital catalog interface. The online catalogs are called Books@GLIBA, Books@MBA, Books@MPIBA, Books@NAIBA, Books@NEIBA, Books@PNBA, Books@SCIBA, and Books @SIBA. Each catalog will go live a week before that show and remain active for at least a month afterwards.

Exhibitors and authors attending all but the Northern California Independent Booksellers Association regional trade shows can participate in ATL’s latest initiative by subscribing to Edelweiss or Serendipity, ATL’s new digital catalog system for small presses, for at least one month.

Current Edelweiss and Serendipity clients may select which titles they’d like to include in this program at no additional charge.