Publishers Weekly is teaming up with BookBrunch, the London-based online daily newsletter and website, to produce two issues of the Frankfurt Fair Dealer at the Frankfurt Book Fair this fall. The first issue will appear Wednesday, October 14 and the second Friday October 16. Frankfurt Fair Dealer will provide news and features from the editorial teams of PW and BookBrunch. The latter, which was launched at last year’s Fair, has already earned a reputation for its insightful and contextualized coverage of the book trade. The two publications shared reporting at Frankfurt ‘08 and at this year’s London Book Fair.

In London, Ursula Mackenzie, CEO and publisher of Little, Brown and chair of the Trade Publishers Council of the Publishers Association, welcomed the initiative. “It’s good to hear that the PublishersWeekly/Bookbrunch combination will be in place at Frankfurt this year so that we can continue to benefit from the combined talents of Liz Thomson and Nick Clee and their long experience of reporting the Frankfurt Book Fair.” In New York, Cevin Bryerman, PW associate publisher, said that “PW is thrilled to work with BookBrunch. This partnership supports our commitment to reporting from around the world to service our U.S. and international audience and allows our clients to reach an expanded global market.”

Ron Shank, v-p and group publisher of Reed Business’ publishing division, said the Frankfurt publications “will provide book fair visitors a preview of news and developments that will enhance and focus their schedules. Our reports will highlight the most important announcements from the fair and stimulate new ways to look at the business and technologies of publishing and delivering content. Exhibitors will find the publicationan excellent means to target attendees and drive visits to their stand.”

Advertising queries should be directed to Cevin Bryerman at or 646-746-6654.