If January is any indication, 2011 is going to be another big year for Nordic crime all over the world. While Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy continues its run on many international lists, those books aren't alone. In the U.K., Norwegian Jo Nesbø tops the list with the eighth installment of his Harry Hole series, The Leopard. In Spain, Åsa Larsson's The Black Path is #3. And in France, the Swedish Camilla Läckberg, who has been groomed by her French publisher as an heiress to Larsson, has landed her latest, The German Child, at the very top of the list.

Coming in second on the French fiction list is Alexandre Jardin, who addresses the dark secrets of his family history in Very Nice People. Jardin's grandfather Jean Jardin, was a Vichy collaborator; in the novel, Jardin blames him for his judgments against Jews. The third title is Kathryn Stockett's debut, The Help, a blockbuster in the U.S.; at #8, Michel Houellebecq is back with a new novel, The Map and the Territory.

Germany's fiction list has four new titles, two of them by foreign authors: Mockingjay by American Suzanne Collins (#1) and Allmen and the Dragonflies by Swiss Martin Suter. The other new entries are from German authors: Ruby-Red. Love Has Always Been Around by Kerstin Gier (#9) and A Dream of a Ship by Christoph M. Herbst (#10).

In Spain, two new titles grace the fiction list: the aforementioned Black Path, as well as a French book: Katherine Pancol's The Turtles' Slow Waltz.


Fiction Nonfiction
L'Enfant allemand
The German Child
Camilla Läckberg
Actes Sud
Indignez-vous !
Be Outraged!
Stéphane Hessel
Des gens très bien
Very Nice People
Alexandre Jardin
Françoise: biographie
Françoise: A Biography
Laure Adler
La couleur des sentiments
The Help
Kathryn Stockett
Jacqueline Chambon
Métronome: L'histoire de France au rythme du métro parisien
Metronome: A History of France in the Rhythm of the Paris Metro
Lorànt Deutsch
Michel Lafon


Fiction Nonfiction
Die Tribute von Panem.
Flammender Zorn
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games)
Suzanne Collins
Deutschland schafft sich ab
Germany Does Away with Itself
Thilo Sarrazin
Kein Wort zu Papa
Don't Tell Dad!
Dora Heldt
dtv premium
Wofür stehst Du?
What Are You Standing for?
Axel Hacke and Giovanni di Lorenzo
Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Allmen und die Libellen
Allmen and the Dragonflies
Martin Suter
Anstandig essen
Eating Proper
Karen Duve


Fiction Nonfiction
El cementerio de Praga
The Cemetery in Prague
Umberto Eco
El poder
The Power
Rhonda Byrne
La caída de los gigantes
Fall of Giants (The Century Trilogy, Vol.1)
Ken Follett
Plaza & Janés
Los días de gloria
The Glory Days
Mario Conde
Martínez Roca
La senda oscura
The Black Path (Swedish title Svart stig)
Åsa Larsson
Seix Barral
María la Brava
Maria, the Brave
Pilar Eyre
La Esfera de los Libros