PWCW's photographers roamed the exhibition floor to bring back signature images from the 2008 New York Anime Festival at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City.

Cosplayers were everywhere at this year's New York Anime Festival. Photo by J. Culkin

The exhibition floor on Saturday afternoon. Photo by J. Culkin.

The Del Rey Manga crew (l. to r.) April Flores, Mutsumi Miyazaki, Tricia Narwani and Joe Scalora.
Photo by J. Culkin.

John Fuller, manager of Kinokuniya, New York's noted Japanese bookstore, is open for business.

The maid cafe at the rear of the exhibition floor. Photo by J. Culkin

Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto makes a dramatic entrance to his panel. Photo by J. Culkin.

Yen Press copublishing director Kurt Hassler surveys the fans with senior editor Ju-Youn Lee at the Yen Press booth. Photo by J. Culkin.

Super frilly Goth Lolita gals getting down.

The NYAF presented many aspects of Japanese pop and traditional culture including samurai technique.

Vertical Inc. marketing director Stephen Vrattos at the Vertical booth. Photo by J. Culkin.

For the weekend, Javits was the lolita capital of the world.

Fan favorite Voltaire entertains the crowd at the NYAF.

Fans crowd the panels and screening area Saturday afternoon at the NYAF.

NYAF's Peter Tartar (l.) hands out cosplay awards at the closing ceremony.

Fans Jam the Bandai booth for a chance to get prizes and schwag.

Fans compete in martial arts mock swordplay. Photo by J. Culkin.

Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto. Photo by J. Culkin.

unidentified cosplayer. Photo by J. Culkin

And still more cosplayers. Photo by J. Culkin.

PWCW's manga crew at the NYAF after-party at the restaurant of Iron Chef Massaharu Morimoto. Pictured (l. to r.) are PWCW photographer Jody Culkin, manga editor Kai-Ming Cha and manga reporter Erin Finnegan.