Presidente Trump
(President Trump)
Pablo Ríos
ISBN 978-84-9455-688-9
This satirical graphic novel about President Trump and a samurai was featured in Publishers Weekly’s Global Rights Report.
La razón de estar contigo.
(A Dog’s Purpose)
Bruce Cameron
ISBN 978-84-1686-721-9
This moving and beautifully crafted story suggests that love never dies, our friends are always with us, and every creature is born with a purpose.
(Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance)
Angela Duckworth
ISBN 978-84-7953-964-9
The author argues that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but grit.
Mindfulness y equilibrio emocional
(The Mindfulness-Based Emotional Balance Workbook)
Margaret Cullen
ISBN 978-84-1657-977-9
This eight-week program uses emotion-theory and mindfulness techniques to help readers manage the thoughts and feelings that cause them pain.
(Fall in Love Again)
Daniela Violi
Editorial Panamericana
ISBN 978-95-8305-208-8
Violi provides fun tips on ways to spice up relationships. Half the book is for men and the other half for women.
Su nombre era Dolores
(Her Name Was Dolores)
Pete Salgado & Gabriel Vázquez
HarperCollins Español
ISBN 978-0-7180-9615-1
This book tells the story of Jenni Rivera from the perspective of her former managers. It’s the basis for a telenovela that will air on Univision.
Talentos ocultos
(Hidden Figures)
Margot Lee Shetterly
HarperCollins Español
ISBN 978-0-7180-9274-0
Shetterly tells the true story of the black female mathematicians at NASA whose calculations helped the agency attain some of America’s greatest achievements in space. The book was the basis for the Oscar-nominated film.
Animales fantásticos y donde encontrarlos—guión cinematográfico
(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay)
J.K. Rowling
ISBN 978-84-9838-790-9
This is the original screenplay by Harry Potter author Rowling, on which the recently released film is based.