The relationship between publishers and printers is transforming. As North American manufacturing capacity shrinks, printers are expanding into services like third-party logistics to meet new demands. Amazon’s growing market influence has reshaped supply chains, pushing all parties to improve efficiency and adapt to a more streamlined publishing ecosystem.

“Despite concerns about Amazon’s dominance, its presence has catalyzed innovation and raised standards across the board,” says David Hetherington, vice president, global business development for Books International. The 41-year-old family-owned business has weathered shifting market trends by building from its foundational business—pick-pack-ship fulfillment services—to include digital book manufacturing via print-on-demand, automated stock replenishment, and/or traditional printfirst strategies. Books International also provides logistics solutions, e-book distribution, editorial production, and metadata distribution. “We offer a full range of services that allow publishers to consolidate key supply chain services under a single roof,” Hetherington says.

By offering expanded services, the company enables publishers to focus on developing and publishing great content. “While there may be some economic incentive for publishers to hold on to some of these services,” Hetherington says, “there is a growing appreciation by publishers that market changes are making these ‘back office’ services more complex and expensive. Publishers may be better served by outsourcing to firms with the infrastructure and experience to cope with what seems like a constant stream of changes.”

Hetherington is optimistic about opportunities presented by steady improvements in manufacturing technology, and Books International has significant investment and expansion plans in this area. At the same time, he sees a range of challenges ahead for the industry, including shrinking college enrollments, offshore and nearshore competition, paper prices and availability, tariffs, and the pace of migration to digital delivery.

We are optimistic about the future and are confident in our ability to compete effectively and serve the needs of our publishers in a variety of service verticals. —David Hetherington

The biggest challenge: navigating new sustainability requirements, particularly those enacted by the European Union. “It is on everyone’s radar,” Hetherington says. “Publishers are understandably keen to see the manufacturing community embrace and invest in sustainability, but sustainability is an expensive proposition and is accompanied by unprecedented reporting expectations from both publishers and government agencies, especially in Europe.”

To ensure compliance with European Union Deforestation Regulations (EUDR) and General Product Safety Directives (GSPD) regulations, as well as a detailed collection of environmental metrics, Books International has invested in securing Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. The company has stayed active in groups that consolidate environmental data for major publishers, such as the Book Chain project and Sedex, and those that monitor sustainability, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Program, the Book Industry Study Group’s Sustainability sub-committee, and Book Manufacturers Institute Books International has also served on sustainability panels at several at industry events including the 2024 and 2025 London Book Fairs.

Regardless of the challenges, Hetherington is pleased to see growing appreciation among publishers for digital manufacturing and outsourcing of fulfillment services, especially in one location. “We are optimistic about the future and are confident in our ability to compete effectively and serve the needs of our publishers in a variety of service verticals,” he says.

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