Binc Names Three New Board Members
The Book Industry Charitable (Binc) Foundation has appointed three new members to its board of directors. Chris Morrow, former owner of Northshire Bookstore, will continue as president.
New appointees include Kimberly Brock, a buyer at Joseph-Beth Booksellers; James Killen, former Barnes & Noble buyer and current director of retail operations for Manga Spot stores; and PK Sindwani, former bookstore owner and current CFO of the American Booksellers Association.
Three departing board members completed their terms: Annie Philbrook, former vice president and president, and former owner of Bank Square Books in Mystic, Conn.; Calvin Crosby, secretary and co-owner of The King's English Bookstore; and Rockelle Henderson, owner of Rock Inked, Inc.
"I am grateful for the depth and breadth of experience these industry leaders bring to the Binc board," said Binc Executive Director Pamela French.