ABA Condemns Second Raid on Educational Bookshop
The American Booksellers Association was swift to issue a statement in Wednesday’s BTW newsletter condemning Israeli police’s second raid on Educational Bookshop in East Jerusalem earlier this week.
The ABA stated, “For the second time in a month, Israeli police have raided the Palestinian-owned Educational Bookshop in East Jerusalem. On Tuesday police detained 61-year-old shop owner Imad Muna, whose son Ahmad Muna was detained last month. Books seized in the raid included anything that seemed related to Palestine, such as works by Banksy and Noam Chomsky. The incitement for the raid is being reported as a tip that a visitor to the store ‘had observed books containing inciting content,’ similar to the raid last month in which police cited a children’s coloring book as evidence of ‘terrorism.’
Bookselling is not terrorism. Carrying books about Palestine is not terrorism. It is imperative that booksellers around the world stand together to reject politicized raids of bookstores, wherever they occur. ABA once again stands with the Educational Bookshop and demands a cessation of raids and due process for the booksellers.”