An A-Z of African Studies on the Internet [October 1996]
from Peter LimbUniversity of Western Australia
Nedlands 6907 W.A. AUSTRALIA
email: Books Collective Ltd.
48 of Africa's best publishers in 14 countries distributed collectively to the world primarily in social sciences also lit & juv and intra-Africa development.The Jam Factory
27 Park End Street
Oxford, England OX1 1HU
tel 44-1865-726686
fax 44-1865-793-298 or 1993-709-265.
email: abc@dial.pipex.comAfrican Publishing Review (APNET Newsletter)
Written for African publishers but very useful for news of publishing throughout subSahara Africa.Ms Lesley Humphrey, Editor.
For subscriptions:
78 Kaguvi Street
PO Box 4209
Harare, Zimbabwe
tel 263-4-739-681
fax 263-4-751-202
email: apnet@mango.apc.orgBellagio Publishing Network and Newsletter
Research and Information Center
Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, the network is an informal association of organizations dedicated to the promotion of books and publishing in the Third World. Among their publications. "Readings on Publishing in Africa and the Third World", Philip G. Altbach, editor.School of Education Boston College Chestnut Hill
MA 02167.
fax 617-552-8422.
ISSN 1065-3988.Bookchat An occasional review of children's books for Africa.Jay Heale, Editor
PO Box 541
Grabouw, South Africa 7160
tel 27-24-593-081
fax 27-24-594-000Book Development Council of South Africac/o READ Educational Trust. Amanda Jordaan
Organisation Assistant.
tel 27-11-339-5941
fax 27-11-339-5709.Bookmark: News Magazine of the Associated Booksellers of Southern Africa.
QuarterlyEdited by Maureen Barnes
PO Box 23660
Claremont, South Africa 7735
fax 27-21-683-6706
email:A HREF=""> mar@igubu.saix.netBook Promotions
a major distributor of books to the retail channel.Contact Roy Mansell
PO Box 5
Plumstead, South Africa 7800.
Tel 27-21-720332
fax 21-720383Book Review of the Africa Books Centre
A distributor of titles from and about Africa.A.W. Zurbrugg, Managing Director
Africa Books Centre Ltd, London.
Tel 44-171-240-6649
fax 44-171-497-0309.
email: africabooks@dial.pipex.comBooks in Namibia: Past Trends and Future Propsects
by Peter Reiner, Werner Hillebrecht and Jane Katjavivi. 1994.Available from the Association of Namibian Publishers
PO Box 21841
Windh k
Namibia. fax 264-61-221-1720.Clarke's Bookshop. The best selection of new and second-hand books on Southern Africa.Henrietta Dax, co-owner
211 Long Street
Cape Town, South Africa 8001
tel 27-21-23-5739
fax 27-21-23-6441
email: A HREF="">
Directory of South African Publishers No. 7, 1995
a complete list of over 2300 publishers, based on ISBN and ISSN numbers, and SABDThe South African Book Directory
a complete bibliography and annual report on the trade. Both published by the State Library of South Africa
PO Box 397, Pretoria 0001
Fax 27-12-325-5984.Fireside Publications
an importing and distribution service.Contact Richard Gaskell
PO Box 3528
Cape Town 8000
Tel 27-21-455-558
fax 27-21-461-8470.Hargraves Library Service. Founded in 1996
already a major distributor of trade books into the library channel of South Africa.Contact Maureen Hargraves or Tom Berry
80 Jordaan Street
South Africa 8001
Tel 27-21-237-015
fax 27-21-237-505.How To Get Published in South Africa: A Guide to Authors by Basil van Rooyen. 1994. Southern Book Publishers, Johannesberg.
International African InstituteSOAS
Thornhaugh Street,Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG
Fax 44-181-810-9765
email: mailto:cpriestley@gn.apc.orgOppositional publishing in South Africa from 1945 to 2000 by David Philip, LOGOS 2/1 1991. Whurr Publishers, Oxford, UK
READ Educational Trust and ERA.
For book donations contact Trish Rothschild.Cynthia Hugo, National Director
PO Box 30994, Braamfontein, South Africa 2017
tel. 27-11-339-5941
fax 27-11- 403-2311SABINET, the South African Bibliographic and Information Network.For information on how to link up
contact Vanessa du Plessis
email: African Review of Book edited by Dorothy Driver (
Ian Phimister ( and Rob Turrell ( bi-monthly.
UCT P try Webrun by Peter Horn
email: World, The South African Word Crafters Journal
A resource for writers and publishers in South Africa, including book reviews, South African and world book news and helpful how-to material. A kind of PMA for South Africa. Now linked with the South African Book Development Council and South Africa's Centre for the Book.published by Monica and Mick Cromhout
PO Box 1588
Somerset West 7129
South Africa. Fax 27-21-51-2592.Zimbabwe International Book Fair.Contact Trish Mbang for details. email: who runs the UK office
South Africa: Resources
Feb 10, 1997
A version of this article appeared in the 02/10/1997 issue of Publishers Weekly under the headline: