The newest Scott Adams bestseller, The Joy of Work: Dilbert's Guide to Finding Happiness at the Expense of Your Co-workers, lands on the charts its first week on sale. HarperBusiness did a first printing of 240,000 copies and the book quickly became's #1 bestseller. Instead of a book tour or TV satellite tour, Adams launched the book with a one-man theater performance on Broadway, at New York City's Kit Kat Klub on September 28, and at Los Angeles's historic El Rey Theater on October 5. Free tickets to each event were given to 400 randomly selected winners of Dilbert's Joy of Work Sweepstakes, a contest in which entrants were asked to explain why they would love to attend the performance. Needless to say, the author played to packed houses ringing with laughter. Currently, The Dilbert Zone is the most frequently trafficked area of United Media's Web site (, getting almost one million page views each day. The Dilbert comic strip is seen by more than 150 million readers each day in over 1900 newspapers in 57 countries.