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B&N's Geck to Join S&S Children's Group -- 12/20/99 Simon & Schuster has named Steve Geck v-p and associate publisher of Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. Geck, who will join S&S on January 10, replaces Stephanie Owens Lurie, who left the company in September to become president and publisher of Dutton Children's Books. Geck will report to Brenda Bowen, v-p and publisher, hardcovers and paperbacks for S&S Children's Publishing. Geck's previous experience is mostly on the retail side of the children's book industry. He is currently director of children's books at Barnes & Noble. Prior to joining B&N, Geck had been director of acquisitions at Children's Book-of-the-Month Club and a buyer and manager of Eeyore's Books for Children in New York City. Simon & Schuster is still searching for a successor to Rick Richter, who was named head of S&S's new consolidated sales force last month (News, Dec. 6). Richter is continuing to serve as president of the company's children's publishing group until a replacement is found. |
B&N's Geck to Join S&S Children's Group
Dec 20, 1999
A version of this article appeared in the 12/20/1999 issue of Publishers Weekly under the headline: