The Jerusalem international Book Fair has named 10 American editorial fellows and 21 foreign editors in addition to its first selection of seven agent fellows, including three American agents. The fair will be held May 7 to 11.
The American editorial fellows include Timothy Bartlett, Oxford University Press; André Bernard, Harvest Books; Jill Bialosky, W.W. Norton; Joy deMenil, Random House; Robin Desser, Alfred A. Knopf; Jennifer Hershey, Morrow/Avon; Kristen Kiser, Crown; Jeremy William Langford, Sheed & Ward; Paul Slovak, Viking Penguin; and Lauren Wein, Grove/Atlantic.
The American agent fellows include Philippa Brophy, Sterling Lord Literistic; Ira Silverberg, Donadio & Olson; and Kim Witherspoon, Witherspoon Associates. The agents fellowship program is funded by HarperCollins.
The editorial fellows program was started in 1985 to give younger editors an opportunity to attend the fair.