A familiar name to romance readers, Jude Deveraux, is making two debuts on this week's lists in a Pocket Books double play. Her latest hardcover, The Summerhouse, was published on May 8 with 225,000 copies in print. Pocket's mass market edition of Temptation, also released earlier this month, has 1.16 million copies in print after two printings. The publisher's Summerhouse marketing plans include teaser ads and giveaways on national radio outlets, along with online promotion at www.SimonSays.com. In a clever tie-in with the book's title—and an effort to reach Deveraux's readers "where they live"—giveaways are also planned aboard certain runs of the Hampton Jitney, the bus service that ferries New Yorkers to those tony towns on Long Island's Eastern end.
With reporting by Dick Donahue.