As part of its efforts to create a higher profile for itself in the U.S., U.K.—based Mitchell Beazley has switched its American distribution from Antique Collectors' Club to Phaidon Press. The change coincides with the company's decision to publish its entire wine book list itself, rather than doing co-editions with publishers in different countries.
Jane Aspden, publisher and managing director for Beazley, estimated that the publisher's wine list will include between 50 and 60 titles this year, led by a number of Hugh Johnson titles. Beazley will publish the 25th edition of Hugh Johnson's Pocket Encyclopedia of Wine, which has sold more than seven million copies, in September, and a new edition of Johnson's The World Atlas of Wine will be released in October.
Beazley has a total of about 150 books in print; its other major category is antiques and collectibles, led by its Miller's line. Its bestseller, Miller's International Antiques Price Guide, has sold more than three million copies, and Beazley is preparing for the launch of its first two titles in a new Treasure or Not? series, aimed specifically for the American market. The publication of How to Compare & Value American Quilts and How to Compare & Value American Art Pottery is part of Beazley's long-term plans to do more original publishing in its New York office in both the wine and antique categories.