Web Sites Built to Last (Oct., $24.95) by Marc Kramer features lessons from e-commerce sites on achieving success.
Customers for Keeps (Nov., $17.95) by Lois K. Geller highlights eight strategies to secure longtime friends as customers.
On Trial: Lessons from a Lifetime in the Courtroom (Sept., $24.95) by Henry Miller. An experienced attorney presents a primer on the practice of trial advocacy. $70,000 ad/promo.
Bodacious: An AOL Insider Cracks the Code to Outrageous Success for Women (Sept., $24) by Mary Foley with Martha Finney advises women on how to succeed in the new economy. 13-city author tour.
Focal Point: A Proven System to Simplify Your Life, Double Your Productivity, and Achieve All Your Goals (Oct., $21.95) by Brian Tracy identifies seven key areas that are crucial for achievement. 6-city author tour.
The Oracle of Oracle: The Story of Volatile CEO Larry Ellison and the Strategies Behind His Company's Phenomenal Success (Jan., $24.95) by Florence M. Stone studies the leader and the company.
That's Outside My Boat: Letting Go of What You Can't Control (Oct., $16.95) by Charlie Jones and Kim Doren. A veteran TV announcer finds in Olympic rowing a metaphor for focused living and working. 30,000 first printing.
Bigwig Briefs: Guerrilla Marketing (Sept., $14.95) by Jay Levinson is the first condensed marketing book by the sales guru.
Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet (Oct., $27.50) by Howard Gardner et al. shows how to accomplish socially responsible work in market-driven times.
Fund Your Future: Winning Strategies for Managing Your Mutual Funds and 401(k) (Dec., $20.95) by Julie Stav is a companion book to an upcoming PBS-TV program on tips for long-term security.
The Divine Right of Capital: Dethroning the Corporate Aristocracy (Oct., $34.95) by Marjorie Kelly argues that excessive preoccupation with stockholders' interests is an undemocratic form of bias.
The Answer to How Is Yes: Acting on What Matters (Nov., $24.95) by Peter Block contends that personal values should come into play in the corporate landscape. 30,000 first printing.
The Art of the Steal: How to Recognize and Prevent Fraud--America's #1 Crime (Sept., $24.95) by Frank Abagnale. The former conman and author of Catch Me if You Can reveals tricks of the scam trade.
Faith, Morals and Money: What the World's Religions Tell Us About Ethics in the Marketplace (Oct., $22.95) by Edward D. Zinbarg advocates that a world-religious perspective is needed in modern business practice.
As the Future Catches You: How Genomics & Other Forces Are Changing Your Life, Work, Health & Wealth (Sept., $23) by Juan Enriquez offers a glimpse of the way we will live and do business in the emerging digitized, globalized, genetically engineered world. Advertising. Author publicity. Radio satellite tour.
The Agenda: What Every Business Must Do to Dominate the Decade (Oct., $27.50) by Michael Hammer, coauthor of Reengineering the Corporation, believes The Agenda to be phase II and provides nine principles that every decision-maker must know.
Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Friends and Inspire Colleagues (Feb., $TBA) by Tim Sanders with Gene Stone sets a new tone for the way to do business in the new economy.
Red Zone Management: Changing the Rules for Pivotal Times (Oct., $25) by Dutch Holland utilizes the analogy of football's "red zone" (the final 20 yards before a touchdown) in a "play book" for good management. Ad/promo.
Sticky Fingers: Managing the Global Risk of Economic Espionage (Jan., $26) by Steven Fink counsels companies on how to guard against losses. Ad/promo.
To Hell and Back: How I Survived Wall Street's Roller Coaster... and How You Can Too! (Jan., $22) by Ken Stern. The self-employed financial analyst suggests strategies for thriving during a market meltdown. Ad/promo.
Working with Intellectual Capital: The Agenda for the Twenty-First Century Organization (Dec., $27.50) by Thomas A. Stewart. The author of Intellectual Capital prescribes a four-step process for enhancing knowledge resources. Ad/promo. Author tour.
The Smart Investor's Survival Guide: The Nine Laws of Successful Investing in a Volatile Market (Feb., $24.95) by Charles B. Carlson is aimed at shell-shocked investors hoping to make money in a turbulent economy.
Powertools for Women in Business: 10 Ways to Succeed in Life and Work (Oct., $24.95) by Aliza Sherman interweaves research, interviews and personal stories to focus on helpful techniques. Advertising. Author tour.
Jump Start Your Business Brain (Sept., $24.99) by Doug Hall explains how to increase sales 10-50% with no additional spending. $250,000 ad/promo. Author tour.
Survival Is Not Enough: Smart Businesses Zoom (Jan., $25) by Seth Godin proposes a new formula for company management. Author publicity.
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't (Oct., $30) by Jim Collins. The coauthor of Built to Last furnishes a blueprint for transforming a mediocre company into a highly successful one. 100,000 first printing. Ad/promo. Author publicity.
The Fundamentals: 8 Plays for Winning the Games of Business and Life (Nov., $25) by Isiah Thomas. Personal stories illustrate that eight principles are central to forging the path to achievement. 60,000 first printing. Ad/promo. 7-city author tour.
Giants of Enterprise: Seven Business Innovators and the Empires They Built (Dec., $30) by Richard S. Tedlow details the strategies of George Eastman, Thomas Watson, Henry Ford, Charles Revson, Robert N. Noyce, Andrew Carnegie and Sam Walton. 35,000 first printing. Advertising. Author publicity.
Dot.Con: The Greatest Story Ever Sold (Nov., $25) by John Cassidy is an account of the Internet stock market boom and bust. 100,000 first printing.
The Money-Go-Round: Healing Money Disorders and Realigning Your Relationship with Money and Work (Jan., $24) by Ron Gallen helps those with recurrent money problems establish a supportable financial structure. 25,000 first printing.
Loyalty Rules! How Today's Leaders Build Lasting Relationships (Sept., $27.50) by Frederick F. Reichheld shows how leadership networking cements partnerships among customers, employees, suppliers and investors. Ad/promo. Author tour.
The War for Talent (Oct., $27.50) by Ed Michaels et al. offers suggestions for attracting and keeping talented staff. Ad/promo.
Taking Charge: Managing Your Work Life from the Inside Out (Oct., $23) by Julie Morgenstern applies holistic principles of harmonious living to the workplace. Advertising. Author tour.
The New Rules of Personal Investing: The Experts' Guide to Prospering in a Changing Economy (Oct., $25), edited by Allen R. Myerson, contains advice from financial correspondents of the New York Times. Advertising.
Driven: The Four Key Drives Behind Why We Choose to Do What We Do (Nov., $28) by Paul Lawrence and Nitin Nohria delves into motivations and behavior on the job. $75,000 ad/promo.
Fast-Track Business Growth: Smart Strategies to Grow Without Getting Derailed (Nov., $29.95) by Andrew Sherman guides established companies to achieve responsible growth. Ad/promo.
Time to Make the Donuts: The Founder of Dunkin' Donuts Shares an American Journey (Nov., $24.95) by William Rosenberg with Jessica Brilliant Keener details how Rosenberg became a multimillionaire, battled cancer and founded the International Franchise Association.
Dot.Bomb: My Days and Nights at an Internet Goliath (Oct., $25.95) by J. David Kuo. A former v-p reveals how the e-business Value America went amazingly right, then terribly wrong. 75,000 first printing. Advertising. Author publicity.
The Bowden Way (Nov., $22.95) by Bobby Bowden with Steve Bowden. The college football coach talks leadership. 75,000 first printing. Advertising.
The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership (Sept., $19.95) by Jeffrey A. Krames examines the famous CEO's career. Advertising.
Maverick Investing (Nov., $24.95) by Doug Fabian is the radio host's guide for managing the risk inherent in stock market investing. Advertising.
The Myth of the Paperless Office (Nov., $24.95) by Abigail J. Sellen and Richard H.R. Harper explains how to make optimal use of both paper and digital worlds.
Money Matters (Oct., $19.99) by Larry Burkett answers the most frequently asked questions from the popular radio show Money Matters.
17 Qualities of a Team Player (Dec., $19.99) by John C. Maxwell believes that team success is based upon the strength of its individual players.
Digital Dealing: How E-markets Are Transforming the Economy (Sept., $26.95) by Robert E. Hall. The economist cites examples ranging from the history of Nasdaq to the ups and downs of Priceline to shed light on electronic deal making. Advertising. Author publicity.
Gonzo Marketing: Winning Through Worst Practices (Oct., $25) by Christopher Locke distills ideas about tearing down barriers between companies and customers.
Net Attitude: What It Is, How to Get It and Why Your Company Can't Survive Without It (Oct., $26) by John R. Patrick. IBM's Internet guru advises organizations on creating a Web-savvy culture.
Pilot Your Life (Oct., $22) by Ronald Shaw with Richard Krevolin, a former comedian and current president/CEO of Pilot Pen Corp., spins yarns to advocate old-fashioned values in the business environment.
The 12 Rings of Leadership (Oct., $24) by Joe Tye takes characters from Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings as role models for the 21st century. 75,000 first printing. $150,000 ad/promo. Author tour.
The Servant Leader (Sept., $22.95) by James A. Autry sees room for respect, honesty, love and spirituality in a business leader's behavior.
Crafting Customer Value: The Art and the Science (Oct., $34.95) by Peter Duchessi demonstrates how companies can avoid commoditization by delivering an excellent product at the right price.
The 7 Greatest Truths About Successful Women: How You Can Achieve Financial Independence, Professional Freedom and Personal Joy (Sept., $22.95) by Marion Luna Brem identifies women's innate strengths. Author tour.
Think and Grow Rich (Oct., $24.95) by Napoleon Hill is a leather-bound, gilt-edged collector's edition. Advertising.
No-Copy Advertising (Oct., $45) by Lazar Dzamic collects copy-free advertisements that proved extremely successful.
The Natural Advantage (Sept., $24.95) by Alan Heeks identifies ways to develop and grow in the workplace. 25,000 first printing.
The Delta Project: Discovering New Sources of Profitability in a Networked Economy (Sept., $29.95) by Arnoldo C. Hax and Dean Wilde is a model for developing strategies in a globalized, deregulated, Net-driven economy.
From the War Room to Your Room: How to Fight and Win... in Business, in Politics and in Life (Sept., $23) by Paul Begala and James Carville promises victory to those who wage their lives as one would do as a candidate in a campaign. 150,000 first printing. Advertising. Author publicity.
Managing New Industry Creation: Global Knowledge Formation and Entrepreneurship in High Technology (Dec., $39) by Tom Murtha et al. notes the emergence of a new class of industry in which intangible qualities, not physical assets, define competition.
(dist. by Antique Collectors' Club)
America's Greatest Brands (Sept., $59.95) by Stephen Smith assembles 500 illustrations in tribute to 80 brand icons, among them Coca-Cola and Disney.
In the Company of Women: Turning Workplace Conflict into Powerful Alliances (Sept., $24.95) by Pat Heim et al. analyzes women's workplace relationships, suggesting techniques to change conflict into partnerships.
Hoover's Vision: Building Lasting Enterprises (Oct., $26.95) by Gary Hoover encourages the cultivation of virtues that promote breakthroughs in business and life. 75,000 first printing. $200,000 ad/promo.
The Reverend's Logic: Mankind, Machines and the Future of Our Decisions (Feb., $26.95) by Nicholas Dunbar cautions that decision-making is being replicated and influenced by computers. 50,000 first printing. $150,000 ad/promo.
A New Brand World: Ten Principles for Achieving Brand Leadership (Feb., $19.95) by Scott Bedbury. From his experiences with Starbucks and Nike, the marketing insider identifies clues to branding success and failure.
The Pretender (Jan., $25) by Ellen Joan Pollock delivers the scoop on how Martin Frankel fooled the financial world and evaded the Feds. Ad/promo. Author publicity. 20-city radio satellite tour.
Jack: Straight from the Gut (Sept., $29.95) by Jack Welch with John A. Byrne looks back at his long career at GE to elucidate his managerial style. Ad/promo.
How to Succeed in Business Without Working So Damn Hard: Rethinking the Rules, Reinventing the Game (Feb., $24.95) by Robert J. Kriegel. The coauthor of If It Ain't Broke... Break It! advocates maximizing fun as well as productivity in the workplace. Advertising. Author publicity.
The Davis Dynasty: Fifty Years of Wall Street Through the Eyes of Its First Family (Sept., $27.95) by John Rothchild relates the history of the illustrious family. 75,000 first printing. $150,000 ad/promo.
A Very Public Offering: A Rebel's Story of Business Excess, Success and Reckoning (Sept., $27.95) by Stephan Paternot and Andrew Essex tracks an American dream played out during the market-mania of the late 1990s. 50,000 first printing. $150,000 ad/promo.
Fall 2001 Hardcovers: Business & Personal Finance
Aug 15, 2001
A version of this article appeared in the 08/13/2001 issue of Publishers Weekly under the headline: