Real Life Parenting of Kids with Diabetes (Sept., $16.95) by Virginia Nasmyth Loy. Spike and Bo's mom dispenses advice and hard-earned wisdom on raising children with diabetes. 25,000 first printing. Ad/promo.
Lighten Up: The HealthQuest 30-Day Weight-Loss Program (Sept., $25) by Sara L. Reese and Therman Evans places equal emphasis on mind, soul and body in addressing weight loss and dieting for African-Americans. Ad/promo. Author appearances.
Formula 101: Mastering 40-30-30 Nutrition for Life (Jan., $22) by Gene and Joyce Daoust includes nutrition tips for burning fat faster, recipes and a nutrition journal. Advertising. 10-city author tour.
Women Are Not Small Men: Life-Saving Strategies for Preventing and Healing Heart Disease in Women (Feb., $24) by Nieca Goldberg, M.D. The cardiologist and women's health pioneer explains how heart disease manifests in women and offers advice on how to prevent, live with and recover from it. Advertising. 8-city author tour.
The Core Program: 15 Minutes a Day That Can Change Your Life (Sept., $24.95) by Peggy W. Brill with Gerald S. Couzens focuses on women's core body muscles that are the key to strength, flexibility, energy and well-being. 65,000 first printing. Ad/promo. Author publicity. BOMC, QPB and One Spirit Book Club alternates.
Pain Free for Women (Jan., $TBA) by Pete Egoscue with Roger Gittnes demonstrates how women can combat illness, injury and aging. 35,000 first printing. Advertising. Author publicity.
(dist. by Sterling)
The Third Third: A Physician's Guide to a Healthy, Happy, Longer Life (Oct., $22.95) by Tom Connally, M.D. An award-winning physician and health policy expert tells how to identify, prevent and manage physical and emotional health issues.
The Prayer Diet: The Unique Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Approach to Healthy Weight Loss (Sept., $15.95) by Matthew Anderson. The author of the "Coyote Wisdom" column at reveals how special prayer can aid in health and safe weight loss.
Teenage Fitness: Get Fit, Look Good, and Feel Great! (Oct., $25) by Kathy Kaehler. The Today show fitness expert offers advice for young women. 40,000 first printing. Ad/promo. Author appearances.
The Art of Indian Face Massage (Oct., $24.95) by Narendra and Kundan Mehta introduces a non-surgical treatment for a younger looking face. 25,000 first printing. Author tour.
Facing the Fifties: Every Man's Reference to Mid-Life Health (Dec., $21.95) by Gordon Ehlers, M.D., and Jeff Miller addresses midlife male health issues, including testing and preventive behavior.
(dist. by Tuttle)
The Right Bite: How to Outsmart 43 Scientifically Proven Fat Triggers and Beat the Dieter's Curse (Sept., $24.95) by Stephanie Dalvit-McPhillips offers a program to achieve permanent weight loss, stabilize metabolism and boost energy. $50,000 ad/promo.
Asian Beauty (Dec., $30) by Margaret Kimura with Marianne Dougherty. A top Hollywood makeup artist presents an illustrated guide for Asian women. 35,000 first printing. Ad/promo. Author appearances.
Trim Kids: A Parent's Guide to Healthier, Happier Children (Jan., $25) by Melinda Sothern and T. Kristian von Almen. Specialists in childhood obesity offer a clinically proven method for weight loss and maintenance. 35,000 first printing.
Living with Diabetes (Sept., $24.95) by Nicole Johnson is written by a former Miss America who was diagnosed with Type I diabetes at 19.
The Fat Flush Plan (Jan., $21.95) by Ann-Louise Gittleman. A nutritionist presents a diet program based on a combination of essential fats, balanced proteins and quality carbohydrates.
Diet-Step: 20 Grams/20 Minutes--For Women Only! (Oct.; $25.95, paper $15.95) by Fred A. Stutman, M.D., offers a two-step weight loss and fitness plan. 35,000 first printing. Advertising. First serial to Ms. Fitness. Author tour.
Kids and Sports--Everything You and Your Child Need to Know About Sports, Physical Activity, and Good Health: A Doctor's Guide for Parents (Jan., $24.95) by Eric Small, M.D., is written by a pediatric sports medicine specialist. 9-city author tour.
Makeup Your Mind (Oct., $40) by François Nars features 65 "before" and "after" photos of professional models of various ethnicities, with acetate overlays directing makeup placement. 75,000 first printing. $250,000 ad/promo.
Turn Off the Hunger Switch (Jan., $24) by Paul Rivas, M.D, explains how to diagnose which brain-chemistry problem is causing hunger in order to lose weight without dieting or feeling deprived. 75,000 first printing. $150,000 ad/promo.
BODY Rx: Dr. Scott Connelly's 6-pack Prescription (Sept., $25.95) by A. Scott Connelly, M.D., and Carol Colman presents a master plan for achieving fat loss, fitness and a great body. Advertising. Author publicity.
The Brain Chemistry Diet: The Personalized Prescription for Balancing Mood, Relieving Stress, and Conquering Depression, Based on Your Personality Profile (Jan., $24.95) by Michael Lesser, M.D., with Colleen Kapklein explains how to match nutrition with brain chemistry type for better health.
Cracking the Weight Code (Jan., $24.95) by Ian K. Smith, M.D. The Today show medical correspondent and Time columnist explains the physiology, biochemistry and psychology of weight gain and loss.
(dist. by NBN)
The Johns Hopkins Consumer Guide to Medical Tests (Nov., $39.95) by Simeon Margolis, M.D., tells what to expect from hundreds of medical tests.
Oz Garcia's High-Tech Healthy Body: Look and Feel Amazing All the Time with the World's Best Supplements, Services, and Products (Sept., $26) by Oz Garcia. The nutrition and health guru tells how to find resources to solve problems from thinning hair to compromised immunity. 50,000 first printing. Ad/promo.
8 Minutes in the Morning (Oct., $24.95) by Jorge Cruise. The online trainer explains his fitness and weight-loss program. 50,000 first printing. Ad/promo. First serial to Prevention.
Dr. Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss 30-Day Plan (Jan., $29.95) by Howard M. Shapiro, M.D., is by the celebrity diet guru. 100,000 first printing.
Sound Mind, Sound Body (Jan., $24.95) by David Kirsch presents the program that celebrities such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Heidi Klum use to maintain their appearance. 50,000 first printing.
The Hidden Depression (Feb., $22.95) by Marie-Annette Brown, M.D., and Jo Robinson focuses on sub-clinical depression, one of the most common but under-diagnosed conditions in women. 40,000 first printing.
Energy Breakthrough: How to Rev Up and Lose Weight (Jan., $25) by Sarah Ferguson and Weight Watchers International tells how to solve personal energy crises and offers a four-week eating and fitness program. 100,000 first printing.
Get with the Program (Jan., $20) by Bob Green. Oprah's trainer, the author of Make the Connection, details his four-phase program for losing weight and getting in shape. 250,000 first printing.
The Canyon Ranch Guide to Living Younger Longer: A Complete Program for Optimal Health for Body, Mind, and Spirit (Oct., $30) by Canyon Ranch staff. The popular health resort offers its program of exercise, nutrition, stress reduction and spirituality for use at home. Ad/promo.
The DASH Diet for Hypertension: Lower Your Blood Pressure in 14 Days--Without Drugs (Jan., $25) by Thomas Moore, M.D., et al. Hypertension and nutrition experts present a regime selected by the American Heart Association as one of the 10 most important scientific finds of the year. 20-city radio satellite tour.
Overdose: The Case Against Drug Companies (Oct., $24.95) by Jay S. Cohen, M.D. A leading medical researcher discusses how Americans are being overmedicated and how to protect oneself from this practice.
50 Ways to a Healthy Heart (Sept., $24.95) by Christiaan Barnard, M.D., is a guide to preventive medicine by the surgeon who performed the first heart transplant. 75,000 first printing. Author tour.
Food and Love (Sept., $19.99) by Gary Smalley explores the connection between healthy living and healthy relationships. Ad/promo.
Female Fertility and the Body-Fat Connection (Jan., $13) by Rose E. Frisch provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship among body fat, reproductive health and fertility.
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer: How Hormone Balance May Save Your Life (Jan., $25.95) by John R. Lee, M.D., David Zava and Virginia Hopkins presents a program for reducing the risk of breast cancer. Ad/promo. 25-city radio satellite tour.
Power to the Patient: The Treatments to Insist on When You're Sick (Feb., $25.95) by Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D. The author of Live Now, Age Later gives crucial health advice and potentially life-saving information. Ad/promo. 25-city TV & radio satellite tour.
American Medical Association Complete Guide to Men's Health (Oct., $34.95) by the American Medical Association is part of a new series of consumer health guides. 50,000 first printing. $100,000 ad/promo.
Thin Within: A Grace-Oriented Approach to Permanent Weight Loss (Oct., $22.99) by Judy Halliday and Arthur Halliday, M.D., outlines a Christian weight loss program. Ad/promo.
Fall 2001 Hardcovers: Health, Beauty & Fitness
Aug 15, 2001
A version of this article appeared in the 08/13/2001 issue of Publishers Weekly under the headline: