Magic Words: 101 Wise Ways to Navigate Life's Sticky Situations (Nov., $17.50) by Howard Kaminsky and Alexandra Penney features a collection of choice phrases that communicate the perfect message for life's awkward moments.
Why Doctors Lie (Dec., $26) by Mel Schecter offers a candid look at the lies physicians tell and the rights of the patient when they do.
Ten Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships (Oct., $24.95) by Dr. Laura Schlessinger addresses the problems men and women face in their quest for a good relationship. 150,000 first printing. Ad/promo. Author tour.
Cinderella at Midnight (Jan., $24) by Lesley Friedman. A socially challenged but highly successful entrepreneur takes a business approach to finding true love at midlife. 35,000 first printing.
Emotional Infidelity: How to Avoid It and 10 Other Secrets to a Great Marriage (Oct., $24) by M. Gary Neuman offers a guide to building a stronger marriage. Ad/promo. Author publicity. Radio satellite tour.
How to Build a Better Spouse Trap: A Street-Smart Dating Strategy for Men Who Have Lost a Loved One (Dec., $19.95) by Ted Wentworth with Lexi von Weranetz helps men to pick up their lives, start dating and believe in the possibility of falling in love again.
Grow Younger, Live Longer: 10 Steps to Reverse Aging (Sept., $24) by Deepak Chopra, M.D., and David Simon, M.D., offers a simple-to-follow program for personal renewal. Ad/promo. 15-city author tour. Radio satellite tour.
Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential (Dec., $25) by Caroline Myss presents a method of energy work for self-discovery and divine connection. Ad/promo. 20-city author tour. Radio satellite tour.
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem (Sept., $24) by Wayne W. Dyer provides the essential keys to spiritual connection for solving life's problems. 100,000 first printing. Ad/promo. 10-city author tour. 25-city radio satellite tour.
Mars and Venus in the Workplace (Jan., $25) by John Gray applies the famous Mars/Venus themes to the workplace. 350,000 first printing.
Happily Ever After: The Fairy Tale Formula for Lasting Love (Jan., $18) by Wendy Paris takes a refreshing look at the subject of dating and how to find a mate. 35,000 first printing.
Forgive for Good: A Scientifically Proven Prescription for Leading a Healthier and Happier Life (Jan., $25) by Frederic Luskin features a program to forgive those who have caused hurt and disappointment.
The Secret of the Shadow: The Power of Owning Your Whole Story (Jan., $26) by Debbie Ford. The bestselling author continues the work she began in her successful The Dark Side of the Light Chasers. 150,000 first printing.
For Those Who Grieve (Jan., $14.99) by Dennis Jernigan offers comfort for those who have lost loved ones.
Dare to Succeed: How to Survive and Thrive in the Game of Life (Sept., $22.95) by Mark Burnett is the rags-to-riches story of the man behind the popular Survivor series. 150,000 first printing. Ad/promo. Author publicity. Radio satellite tour. Cross-promotion with the third season of Survivor.
Living a Life That Matters: Resolving the Conflict Between Conscience and Success (Sept., $22) by Harold S. Kushner offers practical advice on doing well by doing good. 250,000 first printing. Ad/promo. 21-city author tour. First serial to Family Circle and Parade.
Take It from Me (Jan., $19.95) by Erin Brockovich. The real-life heroine of the popular film tells readers how she succeeded against all odds and obstacles. Advertising. Author tour.
Having What Matters: The Black Woman's Guide to Creating the Life She Really Wants (Dec., $25) by Monique Greenwood. The editor-in-chief of Essence magazine offers a prescription for personal and professional success. Ad/promo. Author tour.
A Dozen Ways to Sunday: Stories of Hope and Courage (Sept., $17.95) by Montel Williams with Daniel Paisner offers 12 inspirational profiles of individuals and families who have appeared on Williams's nationally syndicated program. 100,000 first printing. Ad/promo. Author tour.
Uplift: Secrets from the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors (Sept., $20) by Barbara Delinsky arms those diagnosed with breast cancer with the means to face their fears, survive the ordeal and continue with life, love, career and family. Ad/promo. Author publicity. Breast Cancer Awareness Month tie-in.
What Animals Teach Us (Oct., $22.95) by Mary Hessler-Key shows how to find love, happiness and emotional stability on the other side of a cold, wet nose.
Life and Death on Your Own Terms (Sept., $26) by L.L. Basta, M.D., is a handbook by a noted cardiologist who deals with survival after illness and end-of-life issues.
Walking in the Garden of Souls: Advice from the Year After, for Living in the Here and Now (Oct., $23.95) by George Anderson and Andrew Barone. Medium Anderson shares advice for dealing with issues of sorrow, anger, fear and death. Author tour.
Everything I Know About Men I Learned from Stallions (Oct., $26) by Bo Derek with Mark Seal shares international star Derek's hard-won insights on life, love and the care and feeding of the male animal. 25-city radio satellite tour.
110%: 110 Strategies for Feeling Great Every Day! (Oct., $18.95) by Pat Croce with Bill Lyon. The president of the Philadelphia 76ers offers strategies to help elevate mood and attitude.
When Bad Things Happen to Good People (Sept., $21) by Harold S. Kushner. This 20th-anniversary edition offers advice for coping with life's tragedies. Advertising. Author tour.
How Can I Get Through to You? (Jan., $25) by Terrence Real analyzes the lack of intimacy between partners and offers practical tools to forge a deeper relationship.
Bonds That Make Us Free (Sept., $19.95) by C. Terry Warner explores the root causes of our troubling emotions and suggests how to interrupt this unproductive cycle in order to restore harmony to our relationships.
Every Day I Pray (Oct., $22) by Iyanla Vanzant is a gift book offering the personal prayers that have sustained the author throughout her life. 400,000 first printing.
Heaven and Earth: Making the Psychic Connection (Nov., $24) by James Van Praagh guides readers to develop their own innate psychic abilities. Ad/promo. Author publicity. Author tour.
Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out (Nov., $25) by Phillip C. McGraw demystifies the elusive concept of self and leads readers to seize the power that lies within. Ad/promo. Author publicity. Author tour. TV and radio satellite tours.
Crazy Visitation: A Chronicle of Illness and Recovery (Sept., $22.95) by Saundra Murray Nettles is a first-person account of life with, and then without, a brain tumor.
Body Confident: A Guided Journal for Losing Weight and Feeling Great (Dec., $14.99) by Victoria Moran promotes mental and physical well-being with a supportive approach to weight loss. Advertising.
My Yoga Journal (Dec., $14.99) by Victoria Moran helps readers develop their yoga practice. Advertising.
End Your Addiction Now: The Proven Nutritional Supplement Program That Can Set You Free (Jan., $25.95) by Charles Gant, M.D., and Greg Lewis. This medically proven program uses over-the-counter nutritional supplements to end addictions to nicotine, prescription drugs, alcohol and other substances. Advertising.
Full Tilt Living (Oct., $17) by Maureen Smith offers a carpe diem approach to living life to the fullest.
The Way: Using the Wisdom of Kabbalah for Spiritual Transformation and Fulfillment (Sept., $24.95) by Michael Berg draws upon the Kabbalah to make positive changes in every area of one's life.
Fall 2001 Hardcovers: Self Help & Recovery
Aug 16, 2001
A version of this article appeared in the 08/13/2001 issue of Publishers Weekly under the headline: