KNOPF Patricia Johnson was promoted to executive v-p, publishing. She had been v-p and associate publisher since 1996. Johnson began her publishing career in 1986 at Bantam as manager, national accounts; in 1992 she was named v-p and publisher, Random House Audio, and the following year was given the additional title of publisher, Random House Large Print.
THURBER HOUSE Susanne Jaffe was named executive director. She was v-p and editor-in-chief of Random House Value Publishing.
COPPER CANYON PRESS Mary Jane Knecht was named associate publisher. She was editor and marketing director of Van West & Co., Publishers.
GROLIER EDUCATIONAL Donna S. Sanzone was named editor-in-chief of the newly created academic reference program. She was v-p of new product development for the Oryx Press.
EXLEY GIFTBOOKS, USA Randy Kaye was appointed v-p, director of sales. He was a national accounts manager at Random House Value Publishing.
1stBOOKS LIBRARY Michael Murnan was promoted to chief information officer. He was director of strategic services.
THE LEARNING ANNEX OF NEW YORK Steven Schragis was named executive director. He was the founder of the Carol Publishing Group.
LITTLE, BROWN Linda Magram was named v-p, director of marketing, children's. She was director of marketing.... Adrienne Johnston was named marketing manager, children's. She was advertising and promotion manager.... Kerri Goddard Kinchwas promoted to senior publicist. She was a publicist.... Cindy Eaganwas promoted to senior editor. She was an editor.
THINKWELL INC. Bill Wahlgren was named editor-in-chief. He was manager of operations and planning for the language arts department.
KODANSHA AMERICA Sydney Webber was named associate director of marketing and sales. She was marketing and trade sales manager at Rizzoli Publishing.
DARKTALES PUBLICATIONS Nicholas Kaufmann was named distribution liaison and publicity manager. He was owner of Tell-Tale Books in New York.
LERNER PUBLISHING Eric Braun was named editor. He was an editor for New Rivers Press.
LIFELINE PRESS Mike Ward was appointed associate publisher. He was editorial director of Rodale Books.
THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY Allan R. Frank was appointed president. He is president of AnswerThink Inc.
PROVIDENCE PUBLISHING CORPORATION Pam Horne was named senior acquisitions editor. She was public relations manager for Williamson Medical Center.... Stephen James was named director of trade publishing, Sage Hill Resources. He was associate editor for acquisitions and product development, Providence Publishing.
HARRY ABRAMS Jonathan Stolper was promoted to director of sales and marketing. He was director of trade sales.
SCHOLASTIC Ellie Berger was named v-p, deputy publisher. She will continue as cross-divisional and departmental administrative director of book groups.... Bernette Fordwas named editorial director of special projects. She was v-p, editorial director, Cartwheel Books.... L. Spencer Humphrey was named v-p, director of mass merchandise book product. She was v-p of publishing for Lyrick Studios.
NEW DIRECTIONS Dennis Palmore was promoted to permissions manager. He will continue as Web site developer.
RED WHEEL/WEISER Christopher Wold was named director, sales and marketing. He was sales manager, special markets, at Tuttle Publishing.
TRICYCLE PRESS Laura Mancuso was named publicity and marketing coordinator. She was v-p of MM Media.
READER'S DIGEST ASSOCIATION Laura Kelly was promoted to v-p, global editor-in-chief, Select Editions/Reading Series. She was U.S. editor.... Ashley Bell was named national sales manager, clubs/special markets, children's publishing. She was director of national accounts at Golden Books.... Rachel Hager was appointed editorial director for She was cofounder and CEO of
STUART KRICHEVSKY LITERARY AGENCY Patricia Moosbrugger has joined the firm as literary agent and rights director. She was president of Patricia Moosbrugger Subsidiary Rights.
Compiled by Diane Patrick