17th Street Productions, an entertainment media and book packaging firm focused on teenagers, announced a deal with 20th Century Fox Television to develop a TV series from 17th Street's list of young adult fiction. This is the latest agreement between the two companies. In 1998, Fox TV turned the 17th Street book series Roswell High into the Fox TV sci-fi show Roswell.
Leslie Morgenstein, president of 17th Street Productions/Alloy Entertainment, will serve as executive producer on the projects. Bob Levy, formerly a v-p at NBC, will oversee the venture and lead the development team.
Morgenstein told PW, "We're hoping to develop a half dozen shows." He declined to identify which titles they would begin developing, but said they would include "existing book properties." Gary Newman, president of 20th Century Fox TV, said he was impressed with "the depth and quality" of the 17th Street list.
17th Street Productions is owned by Alloy Inc., a teen media entertainment firm.